Made in Romania
Made in Romania
Babi Minune
A song about Romanian brotherhood and Roma/gypsy integration. It was written by a Roma child!!! I love it
Chiar daca esti moldovean, ardelean sau tigan suntem Made in Romanie
Even if you Moldovan,Ardelean or a gypsy,we are all made in Romania
Nu conteaza cine esti sau ce limba vorbesti
It doesn't matter who you are or which language you speak
Asta este tara ta, Romaniaaa..
This is your country,Romania
Hai cu moldoveanu, cu ardeleanu, bucuresteanu
Come with the Moldovan,with the Ardelean and the “Bucharestian”
Haide sus tiganuu..
Stand up gypsy..
Si cu olteanu, cu moldoveanuu, cu ardeleanuu [dadadadadaa]
With the “Oltean”,Moldovean and Ardelean[dadadadadada]
Nu conteaza unde stai sau ce dialect ai
It doesn’t matter where you stay, or what dialect you speak
Distreaza-te si bea ca-i tara taaa..
Have fun and drink to your country!
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