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Since I've been gone...

...I've been on BBC Radio 4 talking about a really sad thing that happened near my home and started a campaign to stop my neighbour running a business from the house. The first issue was about the killing of a man in broad daylight on a Sunday morning with a broken bottle. He had just left the venue where he had been singing after a great gig and was on his way to catch a bus home. He crossed the road using a subway where someone was hanging out with a broken bottle. I think subways like that s



All the Baby P's

I’ve been listening to the debate on the Vanessa Feltz phone-in (one of my favourite shows), a passionate discussion about the disclosing of the identities of the three people responsible for the death of an angelic 17 month old boy called Peter Connelly. In spite of his being brought to the attention of the social services in the area he was treated with a brutality that has left people open mouthed. Blonde blue-eyed Peter was tortured by his mother’s partner and his brother. His short life wa



Courgettes, blood-sucking insects and paint

As I write my face is deflating - an hour ago I looked as though I had an egg on the side of my forehead and my eye was closed. This is what you get for growing courgettes in a garden inhabited by every malicious and hungry insect known to man. If it pinches, bites or sucks blood it lives outside our back door. It took hours for it to get this bad (I should have slapped on antiseptic the second I felt that gentle tickle) so I woke up looking like this. Never mind, the courgettes were terrific co



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