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Thanks for read-only-access to Old Boards!

One of my previous post said "I'm a little bit angry that we've lost everything; not only the profile information but all discussion threads from before. We do pay for this and we should be able to get history data and read former discussions." I got really happy when I saw the link to "Old Boards (Read-Only)" yesterday. :-) Thank you so much for this Icon!! So maybe Icon is working on the issues we're discussing...but nobody knows if you don't get information. Why can't the icon staff or admi



Happy Birthday Madonna

Happy Birthday Madonna!! I hope you take the time to really relax and enjoy this day with your family and friends. You do so much for so many people. Thanks for being such a wonderful performer and human being. You're a great role model and I get so much inspiration and strength from your work. Lots of love, Anki                         Photo from Parken, Copenhagen August 2009



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