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Seriously - what is with the points??

I was very excited (I know, I need to get a life) about finally stepping out of the BRONZE category, and moving into the Silver spread - when I notice that my points have stopped accruing... what is up with that???  Does anyone else have this same problem?  Is there a solution to it? I know, it doesn't matter, but secretly I wonder if I will get my points for creating this blog?  D~



LA Iconers Unite!

Hello LA Iconers!  So many of us have had to change our 'display names' with the site switch, and I don't know who any of you are anymore!  Let's get this group back together, and have the fun that we had on the old boards!  If you were a part of the LA thread on the old boards, and you had to change your display name, respond here, and post your old and new display names so that we can get back together!    I miss our chats. The5sherns is now known as d_is_the5sherns D~



How many Icon Magazines am I owed?

Hi all - instead of posting this in the forum, I thought I would put it in a blog, and see what happens... After a weeks worth of issues trying to get access to the new website, now that I am in - I am not really sure I like the new website. First of all, I am old, and the text is too small.  I can change it on my computer, but what a drag. Second, who's idea is it to use white text on a black background?  Doesn't this bother your eyes?  Maybe it is my fault for doing most of my website visit



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