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About saviljan

  • Birthday 05/20/1986

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  1. liking the new forum, way better!

  2. i'm a sinner and i like it that way!

  3. Back in business! Happy B-Day Madonna!

  4. cannot access the forums..

    1. saviljan


      johann help! why does the forum not work?

  5. cannot access the forums..

  6. cannot access the forums..

  7. Even more happy! Tickets to the golden circle in Helsinki! Wohoo! Where are you guys going?

    1. kinsus


      Golden circleen Helsinkiin myös!!

  8. mun pää ei kestä tätä odotusta jos meni nyt sit golden circle liput ohi suun ku piti kerätä vähän rahaa kasaan ku tuli nii nopeesti lippujen osto...

  9. happyhappyhappy, Madonnas back! now just get me freakin' tickets to the golden circle...

  10. HI! so one question, i would like to buy tickets this week to the show in Finland and of course golden circle, but i cant, why not? why only seats?

  11. So it's unbelievable that the time is near that we really get to see and hear the new style of Madonna new music! it's been far to long but finally we will get something amazing!

  12. So it's unbelievable that the time is near that we really get to see and hear the new style of Madonna new music! it's been far to long but finally we will get something amazing!

  13. Final chances to listen to Mix 3 of Madonna's clubremixes. Within 2-3 weeks from now the complete Mix 4 will soon be online after I finish Mix 5.

    www.soundcloud.com/dj-jerry-w or dj_jerry_w

    Follow me on facebook D.j. Jerry W

    Twitter dj_jerry_w

    Subscribe freely on my fbpage for updates about my uploads of my mixes of amazing Madonna's clubremixes.

  14. gift for year 2010 sounds amazing, now all we have to do is to actually get it :D

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