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Status Updates posted by boldview

  1. Hi! If you are still looking for the 1989 calendar go to www.recordrunnerusa.com and go to Madonna's section. There's one still available. The 1999 one's on back order, unfortunately. Hope this helps.

  2. Hi, I'm Michael from Minneapolis, MN. I am a passionately devoted Madonna from the beginning. Please review my profile as well. I understand you are selling items. I'm looking for Like a Fanzine #2 which came out December 1990. This is the one right before the publication became ICON. Let me know if you are selling this. I would arrange financially to pay for this through Paypal. Thank...

  3. Johann, when will ICON #53 be available for print-on-demand? Thanks for responding and best to you!

  4. Any chance we'll get ICON #53 available for print-on-demand real soon? Thanks for your response dear1

  5. Johann, I'm having a problem with two links missing under my profile pix: "Add me as a friend" and "Send Me a Message." The two below this show only: "Find My Content" and "Display Name History". This makes it difficult to navigate and PM new people. Help! Thanks so much, Michael in Minneapolis

  6. Alyssa, just want to congratulate you with the publishing of your Interview article review in the latest ICON. Now you've been published twice in ICON issues. I remember your Coachella experience in the ICON #46 edition. Your a bright, inceptive and most righteously entertaining fan I've had the pleasure to read about with your posts. You truly make this board feel professional. Rock o...

  7. Hey Bri, good to hear from ya! Hugs back!

    Michael in Minneapolis

  8. Brian, nice to get a greeting from you! I assume you read my comment on the boards about how much I dig your Fan Profusion input. Great read and one really gets a sense of your fun personality, wit and passion for our Mara-ra-donna, the Queen. Genuinely rad, indeed! What I really love is the rapport you and Alyssa have with each other. I think it would be really cool if the three of us ...

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