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Blog Entries posted by oscarcasares

  1. oscarcasares
    His Holiness Pope John Paul II
    His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
    HH. RR. Highness' Princes of Portugal and Dukes of Braganza
    Monsignor Canon Eduardo Melo
    European Community
    European Heritage Days
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
    Actress Nicole Kidman
    Pepa Carrillo -Association of Textile Creators in Madrid
    Erna Kaluza - Paramount Studio in New York

  2. oscarcasares
    Throughout time, the painters who marked the History of Art developed themes dominated by mythological symbolism and were influenced, according to Freud’s theories, by  dreams of surreal images that reveal our capacity to interpret experiences with the unconscious.
    Madonna as portrayed on the canvas is an allusion to Venus and Psyche. In this painting it is easy to see the merging of both these allegoric figures, especially of the latter. Psyche: Greek word signifying soul.
  3. oscarcasares
    A percentage of the sale/auction of this painting will go to support a registered non-profit organization.
    The paintig will be put on sale either directly or by auction.
    Oscar has always believed in giving back to society. In the past he has contributed monies from his artwork to charitable organizations. He choose the organization based on the theme of the work.
  4. oscarcasares
    Oscar Casares enriches his inspiration studying Astronomy and Kabbalah to understand Madonna's Spirituality.
    Astronomy is a science that studies planets, stars, satellites, comets, solar systems, constellations, and nebulae.  It also discovers and names new astros.  Astronomy studies the movement of celestial bodies, their composition and distances between them.

    Undertones of Kabbalah. Kabbalah -- (???? QBLH) Hebrew for “that which is received” or “oral tradition” -- is not a religion or a cult; it is a body of mystical teachings based on the Torah, the Jewish scriptures.  Kabbalah is an attempt to understand God through studying the scriptures, kabbalistic writings, and meditation.  Also, by learning and acting in accordance to kabbalistic teachings, its followers believe they will improve their lives and achieve fulfilment for themselves and humanity as a whole.  Through good deeds kabbalists can heal themselves and eventually the world.

    Like most mystical traditions, Kabbalah has a strong symbology leaning.  The Sephirothic Tree, a tree composed of ten circles, signifies the thirty-two paths of wisdom.  It is also believed to be a graphic representation of how the universe began.  A red string bracelet, Hamsa, is worn for protection against the evil eye to prevent misfortune and to bring good luck and positive energy.  It is believed that if one winds a red string seven times around Rachel’s tomb in Israel, it will be endowed with mystical powers.
  5. oscarcasares
    I am truly grateful to all the people, institutions and press that have teamed to achieving this end.
    Without the broad support of all, the project would be immeasurably more difficult - “VIRTUES OF THE SOUL AS ECLIPSED BY THE DIVA MADONNA" will be presented at the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence 2009.
    Not only in a particular way, but on behalf of all who help me, our sincere thanks!

    I hope meet you all in Florence.

    Oscar Casares
    Oscar Casares was supported by:



    Police Cultural Department

    Conservation Department






    Portuguese Community in Italy








    Constant updates
  6. oscarcasares
    In the paintig, Madonna is love, grace and delight; she is mystifying the marvellous glory of passion in paramount service of her ideal: eternal youth, beauty and spirituality.
    God the Creator selects Madonna as the source of the painter’s inspiration.  The painter becomes the procreator.
    Erna Kaluza said: “VIRTUES OF THE SOUL AS ECLIPSED BY THE DIVA MADONNA is another great painting by the very talented Portugese artist Oscar Casares..."
  7. oscarcasares
    Madonna as portrayed on the canvas is an allusion to Venus and Psyche. In this painting it is easy to see the merging of both these allegoric figures, especially of the latter.
    Psyche: Greek word signifying soul.
    The myth of Psyche is narrated in the book The Golden Ass by Apuleius who describes her as a beautiful mortal for whom Eros, the god of love, falls in love.  Psyche is so beautiful that Venus, goddess of beauty and love and mother of Eros, becomes furious because men stop worshiping her and start worshiping Psyche, a mere mortal.
    The goddess orders her son to strike Psyche with one of his arrows thereby forcing her to fall in love with the ugliest being alive.  But, contrary to Venus’ desires, Eros ends up falling in love with the young woman after being accidentally pierced by one of his arrows.
    Since Eros falls in love with her, he no longer uses his arrows against her.  Time passes and Psyche still doesn’t fall for anyone, nor do any of her admirers become her groom.
    Therefore, Venus realizes that she must use more powerful measures.  She makes up a story  saying that she has lost some of her beauty by tending to Eros’ wound and asks Psyche to go to the Underworld (Hades or Elysian Fields) and ask Persephone for a little of hers.  Venus is certain that Psyche will not survive the trip. Once again, the goddess is wrong. Psyche convinces Persephone to fill a small box with her beauty to give to Venus.
    On her way to deliver the box to Venus, Psyche begins to think that her beauty has suffered from so many jobs and gives in to temptation.  She opens the box only to find it empty except for the eternal sleep that overpowers her.  Eros, who is now cured of his wound, goes to his lover’s rescue.  He puts the sleep back in the box, wakes Psyche, and makes her take the box to his mother.
    While Psyche is delivering the box to Venus, Eros looks for Zeus and asks to be wed to Psyche.  Zeus grants his request and later Psyche becomes immortal.
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