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When did icon stop taking membership upgrades



So on the Madonna.com help page it says that they stopped taking new legacy memberships in 2009. But I’m reading old posts and some people got to upgrade in 2011.  From what I can tell.  That totally contradicts the help page.  So why would they say that? 


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Like  over 10 years ago. Lol you think that they would change it up for other fans who didn’t get or know about the changes at the time.  They say that they stopped taking new registrations in 2009 but I think I’ve read differently. Why wouldn’t you let fans. Register. 

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So on Madonna.com help page it says that they stopped taking new registrations in 2009. But I was reading an article on the madame x ticket request guidelines news page from may 2019 and it says,  icon lifetime legacy membership status must have been established by October 30, 2011 in order to qualify. There words not mine. Totally contradictory I’m so confused. Very interesting makes no sense to me. I mean they are telling me one thing but their help page and past articles say another. So I guess the question is why? 

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