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Merry Christmas



Hello Madge and all fans of our wonderful queen!!!!


I wish for u....

Happiness a lot

Serenity everyday!

Success in each time of your life!

Good Friends for all times!

Love that never finished!

Good regards of everything what was lived!

A way that guide you until a gorgeous future!


Merry Christmas!!!!

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My name is Vito Gambilonghi! I'm living in Italy, I am 68 y old, I get married in New York in 1972 and in 1976 I started the studies of CPU'S and the new-born era of Computers. I'm a Machine Language (and Assembler Language) Programmer. Just this morning I heard about the stealing of her last works. Please tell her I offer my knowledge to protect her for the future. I ASK ANYTHING for making this. Just for Justice and LOVE! My English is very poor and I prefer to speak italian, if possible. Thanks. Contact me if she is interested. Bye... and have a Happy New Year. You can verify my Identity by means of the Telephon number of my address in Sicily-Italy.

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