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Tracy Anderson



It seems that this week some out of mind people have decided talk about Madonna. 1st was Katy Perry and now Tracy Anderson.
According to O Fuxico ( a Brazilian gossip website) Tracy Anderson that worked with our queen for 3 years and mysteriously got fired, She told about Madonna's new HardCandy Fitness.
"I knew she would. I could put my name in a gym and would spread (the brand) by the world if I wanted, but it would be irresponsible to do that. I think we all know that when a celebrity will do something in an industry which does not belong, she's just giving her endorsement and that's fine, but you would not ask for a prescription medicine for an actor who plays a doctor on TV, it is not ?"

My God, is the week of envious? Poor Madonna. She works very hard to achieve success, and it comes one or another  to promote themselves over her success.

Source: O Fuxico.com http://ofuxico.terra.com.br/arquivo/noticias/2011/01/19/madonna-sofre-duras-criticas-de-sua-ex-treinadora-95845.html


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