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About gugabark

  • Birthday 05/27/1980

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  • MSN
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ribeirao Preto - Sao Paulo state - Brazil
  • Interests
    Madonna news and friends
  1. Madonna's concert in Rio by Itau bank
  2. According to the Chilean newspaper La Tercera, the Queen of Pop will step on Brazilian soil next year. Madonna, the Queen of Pop, may present her new tour The Celebration Tour in Brazil in 2024. The information is from the Chilean newspaper La Tercera. The blonde girl would be finalizing negotiations for presentations on Brazilian soil. Other Latin American countries like Argentina and Chile are also on the radar.
  3. Please come to Brazil with Celebration Tour

  4. Brazil is waiting Madonna so hard!!!

  5. Brazil is waiting Madonna!!!!!!

  6. Nada de sairem as datas do Brasil.

    1. rafaelcruzpaiva


      rsrsrsrs Enfim sairam.....

  7. W.E. is nominated to OSCAR 2012 for the Best Costume Design

  8. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  9. Her new Madonna's tour is almost confirmed in Brazil on March/April 2012.

    1. gugabark


      I'm Brazilian and I'm about to be crazy

  10. Lady Gaga is coming to Brazil in 2012

  11. Thanks for adding me........ 5 STARS!

  12. Breaking News: We are so sad about last happening at school in Rio de Janeiro

    1. gabi1995


      I am stilll soooo sad!!!

  13. Here in Brazil We're so sorry about last happening in Japan

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