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so i've decided to Join Icon



i know i know! i've said it over and over on here that i didn't wanna pay for it, like a billion times, but I had fun posting on the boards at that time when i signed up to be a free member (I'm a free ***CENSORED*** baby! LOL!), and since i'm still a free member and can have access to Icon social which I still love! but i miss posting on the boards also the more i think about it! lol :P so, i went to pay for the damn membership and everything but it said that my visa debit card well first it said to re do my credit card number again so I did, then it said it was declined! WTF??? did the damn bank block my card from using the internet? if they did, oh hell noooo! well if so i hope i can get it straightened around! grrrrrr! so i'm pissed off at the moment with that. :P soooo once that gets settled, see everyone back on here! :D


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