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Forbes Richest Women in Showbi



Forbes have published a new list naming the Richest Women in Showbiz - Madonna comes in at #5 on the list:

It's Oprah Winfrey all the way again, as far as the richest women in showbiz world goes, according to the latest Forbes list. 
Oprah Winfrey Hollywood Oprah's earnings grossed at $324 million according to a list released by Forbes recently. The second in the list is Beyonce who made $89 million. There is a difference of a vast $235 milion between the two. In fact, if the earnings of the next five in the lists are added up, Oprah is still likely to top all of them. The television host is reportedly making more than her rival talk show hosts like David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan O' Brien. 
Britney Spears occupies the third position with $65 million. Lady Gaga, who is fourth, reported earnings of $64.5 million. Her money has pushed Madonna to the fifth slot with $59.9 million. Miley Cyrus is the youngest earner in the list at seventh position with a take-in of $48.4 million. 
Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift are first-timers on the list. Another interesting fact that comes out from the Forbes list is that half of the Hollywood top earners are below 30. Sandra Bullock and Ellen DeGeneres also make the list.


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