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How did I get involved with Madonna Radio?



From http://madonnaradio.wordpress.com

A friend I grew up with asked me how I got involved with Madonna Radio. I recall the events so clearly, I had to share this smile with you. [soundcloud width=100%" height="81" params="secret_url=false" url="http://soundcloud.com/madonnaradio/liquid-love-dubtronic-liquid-trance-remix] Liquid Love (Dubtronic Liquid Trance Remix) by madonnaradio Here's how: "I created Madonna Radio January 2005 (visionary). I was chatting in the fanclub (they use to have chat ability at madonna.com) and we all wanted to hear music. At the time, madonna.com was only a basic php message board with chat capabilities and a basic website. We spoke with a guy in NY who played a few songs and it was so much fun, enjoying together, from around the world. It became an "event", at nights we would play music in the chat room, remixes and live shows mostly. I was talking with a guy and decided to create Madonna Radio for the community. I created the domain and began developing, with the fans' blessing. That's how I got involved. I then began approaching every remix artist whom we all enjoyed and asked permission to play their remixes then began creating sections within Madonna Radio. I created Madonna Remixes next and so the legend began. I feel honored to play Madonna Remixes and live shows for the community. There are 180-250 thousand regular listeners, from around the world." [caption id=attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Created with Love]Created with Love[/caption] I love Madonna so much that I want to share her with the world. - Voila


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