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Madonna Denies Mercy's Dad Access



....and who's to say this guy is really Mercy's real father? He only came out after Madonna wanted to adopt her....suspect to me.


Madonna Tells The Father Of Her Adopted Daughter To Kick Rocks

Posted on August 30th, 2010 - By Bossip Staff

Madonna and Her Adopted Daughter Mercy

The alleged father of Madonna’s 2nd adopted daughter came out of the woodwork demanding to see his seed.  

Back in 2009, a Malawian judge initially denied Madonna custody of Mercy because she did not meet the 18 month residency requirement for legal adoption. Another judge later overturned that ruling and allowed Madonna to break the residency rule and adopt Mercy anyway. Madonna came under fire over the adoption for getting what some considered special ‘celebrity privileges.’

Last year, Mercy James’ grandmother, 61-year-old Lucy Chekechiwa, was reportedly against Madonna’s decision to adopt the child and didn’t want to give her up. She accused Madonna of stealing the child. The little girls mother was an 18 year old woman who passed away, the father is believed to be alive but they did not know were he was. “Why doesn’t this singer pick other children?” she told Britain’s The Sun. “It is stealing. I want to go to to court. I won’t let her go.”

It’s been quite some time since her controversial adoption was approved and now, the father who allegedly abandoned Mercy wants to be in her life and Madge ain’t havin’ it.

Madonna’s adopted Malawian daughter won’t be meeting the man who claims to be her dad.

James Kambewa, 26, was pressing for a meeting with the 4-year-old he says is his daughter – a claim the pop star disputes.

“The extended family members had no knowledge of a father. The village leadership had no knowledge of a father … the mother was raped and left,” Madonna’s spokeswoman Barbara Charone told the Sunday Times, a South African paper.

Madonna, 52, adopted Mercy last year from an Malawi orphanage after the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned a lower court.

She is Madonna’s second adopted Malawian child.

Kambewa, who works as a waiter in Durban, initially vowed to fight the adoption, but told the Sunday Times this month that he was happy the star was looking after Mercy.


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