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Jason Derulo: Madonna stands the test of time!



NEWS - Jason Derulo: Madonna stands the test of time!

Jason Derulo: Madonna stands the test of time!

by ZaCK, www.absolumentmadonna.fr

Many female music artists claimed they want a career just like Madonna’s, but very few male artists had the guts to admit having the same aspiration.

At 20, pop-R&B singer-songwriter Jason Derulo seems to be a really big fan as he doesn’t miss an occasion to mention the Queen of Pop during interviews.

When asked by the Inquirer if Lady Gaga was the person he was looking up to in terms of plotting out his career, here’s what he had to say…

“I’d have to say it’s Madonna. www.absolumentmadonna.fr

She’s done a very good job of reinventing herself time and again.

She’s been able to stand the test of time with every record, and she’s a new person every decade.

That’s what I aspire to.

I mean, I don’t even know what my next record’s going to sound like, so I hope I can reinvent myself by the time that comes.”


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