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Learn to say goodbye.



well, as many of you have noticed i was not here.. it's been a week since i logout and i'm coming back.. it's been like a whole century since i leave here.. 

i knew something was woing wrong and i just didn't know why i had a bad feeling, but i was just chilling in my way back to home listening madonna's "the power of goodbye" .. then like 30min after, i got a call from my mom saying my grandma was very ill.. i just said shit.. (i knew she had breathe issues) i made up my mind and i said: "maybe this will be the last time i'll see her" then i get into the car and the song that started to sound was MILES AWAY .. omg i was about to cry! she was hundred miles away from me.. and i just wanted to be with her..

during the trip, i was listening the melancholic songs like: Bad girl, The power of goodbye, frozen,  miles away, take a bow.. i thought: well, god is wise.. he knows what he does... i have to learn to say goodbye.

When i arrive there.. my grandma was down in bed.. she was connected in some breathing stuff.. i didn't know what that was.. and it was a little bit sad but she talked to me and i hold her hand.. was a very beautiful moment.

After that day, she recovered.. and one day more and she will leave the hospital! i was HAPPY! really happy! i was like YAYYY.. i go out to watch some movies.. and my dad bought the Sticky and sweet tour dvd! i was even happier.. well, when i arrived at hospital, i was hearing Ray of light.. and she wasn't there..  i saw her in her house.. and guess what? that day was her birthday we celebrate it and my phrase of that day was: "AND I FEEL LIKE I JUST GOT HOME" i was very happy, madonna get trough all the process with me.. her music is amazing! 

Cool story huh? i learned to say goodbye.. but the fate decided to leave her here a little bit more! YAYYY



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