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Actress Quits Working On W.E.



Margo Stilley has walked out of filming on Madonna’s latest film over ‘artistic differences’.

Margo Stilley Quits Madonna Film Over 'Artistic Differences'
Margo Stilley
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Stilley, who starred in 9 Songs, was signed up to play Lady Thelma Furness in Madonna’s period piece W.E.

The film the Material Girl is directing follows the story of King Edward VIII who abdicated the throne after falling in love with American divorcee Wallis Simpson.

But the Queen of Pop will now have to find a new actress to take Stilley’s place.

Stilley told the Sunday Telegraph: "I had the role but we had artistic differences.

"She (Madonna) is really something. I wish the cast luck because they are all really talented."

The film, which also stars Madonna's daughter Lourdes, is expected to be released next year.


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