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More Problems With LiveNation Mdse.



Here's the latest on my dealings with Music Today/Livenation Merchandise/Fanfire (or whatevertheheck their company is called today)--I got a package in the mail today. I thought it was either my MJ First Event Shirt (red) or my Gaga Fame Monster Ball tour shirt (on sale too!)....but it was another shirt--a college shirt for men! Size small and it was $60! WTF? No paperwork or anything came with it....

As many of you probably know, I have just got finished dealing with the lithograph thing, being told everything from NO I won't get one, to eventually getting the 2008 RING (no pouch) and then the litho/card was eventually sent. This had been going on since my membership ended in February 2010! I got it yesterday, so it was June 30......that's a long time to get something. It also involved many calls to their customer service number, and many emails to LIVENATION.....the entire thing was just a stupid way to run a business and have people that do a bunch of nothing. Not everyone was like that, but a few people I talked to gave me wrong information, didn't know what the heck they were talking about, said what I told them was wrong (when it wasn't) and then a few weeks later, everything was totally different, and I was supposed to get one---and that's what I tried to tell the people originally! Does anyone there actually know what's going on with the company/companies they work for?

I had previously ordered two long sleeved Madonna shirts (Express Yourself picture on the front) from Fanfire (or whatever it's called now) and that was back in November 2009! I ended up getting two black shirts, and the customer service rep said there were no white ones....and I told her there used to be.....I got the shirts after being told several stories...on back order......not available......discontinued......available....mailed out......no white ones were ever made.......but I did get two black shirts.....and I do like them. But does it have to be that difficult, and take 4-5 months to get it?

I really don't understand the ineptitude of the people working at these places....there are two locations as far as I know....Los Angeles, CA, and Crozet, Virginia. Recently, Live Nation has merged with Fanfire and Music Today/Bravado. It's all becoming one huge company and the people they have are not very good or the place is in such disarray (as usual) and there is no management or people who really care about what they are doing, and about the customer. I used to have no problems with them, and then all of a sudden, when Icon became owned by Clique/WB (They were the WORST) there was NO human you could talk to when having a problem with Icon. We'd just get emails (if we were lucky) but the content of the emails had nothing to do with the problem we were asking for help on. At least now we do have someone we can call, but like I said, the people working there sometimes are inept at best. They're good at selling you something, but have a problem and all I can say is good luck.

For anyone else having problems with any thing having to do with Icon/Music Today/Bravado/Live Nation Merchandise or related fan clubs and merchandise from these fan clubs or artists (which there are many) This number has worked the best for me...

I've memorized it...LOL

1-434-244-7300 (International callers dial two zero's first before the 1...such as 001-434-244-7300) this will put you in touch with the Music Today/Live Nation/Bravado people.....it's located in Crozet, Virginia. The 1800 number will put you in contact with the Los Angeles order.

One thing I did notice, was that the 2008 ring came from Crozet, Virginia and without the black pouch the other ones came with (this will be my third ring I've received from them since all that went on last year!) And the lithograph (which I do like!) and card came from the L.A. office.....so that says that the Crozet people don't have them in stock....I think one of the people said it was on "backorder"...and that the main stock (according to what she was seeing on her computer screen from what she told me) at the Crozet location...but they email the L.A. office when there's a mix up...and it did work for me, after a total of about 7 phone calls between February and June 28th. I called the guy back and thanked him when I finally did get the litho.....I asked him if he wanted me to return the ring, he said keep it....lol.

But they are sending a return thing for the shirt, because that's WORTH SOMETHING! $60 was the price on the shirt.....so what does that tell all of us about what they even think about the RING?????

The whole thing makes me laugh now....I have two orders left and just not really figured out they are all being sent by these same people....my MJ event shirt and my Gaga Fame Monster shirt...but they were sent to different addresses...so that's how we figured out what happened....ROTFLMAO!

Let's all get a big laugh out of it, and please think twice when you make an order with these people! It makes me think twice before I want to order anything....although I've never had trouble with Bravado in the past, but since Live Nation has taken over, it seems like even they are screwed up royally...

Here's a  nice picture to take our minds off all this confusion.....illusion....intrusion....retrobution crap going on...lol.


Ahhhhhh.......gotta love the shoes....


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