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A love thread! <3 <3



Thanks to Angel for starting a "LOVE THREAD" and to Brian aka the fabulous ultrabri for bringing this up! such a great idea!!! :D so i'm gonna join in too! :D

I love Madonna! I don't care if i'm one of the fans that loves everything she does, hey that's just the kinda fan I'am! :D
I love her! I could say that over and over and over and never tire of saying it....everrrrr!
Show Madonna love, express your love....If I can do it well so can a billion other fans out there can too!

Also let's not forget all the people i've come to know for the majority of the people i've met on here, Facebook, and Madonna forums... Let's just say that I truely deeply, madly, adore and love you all! hey, you guys know who you are! ;) Thanks to those of you (Yes you know who you are) for the support, always being there whenever I feel sad, and putting up with my obesssions (Other then Madonna that is hahaha)
Love love looove you all!
Since I can't post this on the motherfucking forum anymore on here since you have to pay to post on the forum.....***CENSORED***! I'll blog it! hehehe! :D
Much love,

hugs & kisses



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