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Madonna calls fans against homophobia



Madonna calls fans against homophobiaKiss

madonna against homophobia

Madonna has expressed a lot of anger because the court in Malawi two men sentenced to 14 years of hard work.
In a statement on its official site, singer criticized penalty of 20 years of age Tiwonge Chimbalanga and 26 years, Steven Monjeza, that faith last year.
"I am shocked and saddened by the decision of the Court today issued emMalawi, two innocent people in jail," he said in a statement.

"When it comes to principles, I believe in equality between persons irrespective of sex, race, color, religion or sexual orientation. Today, Malawi has made a huge step backward. In today's world is much suffering and pain, just because we respect the fundamental human right to love and be loved.
I invite all those influential Malawi - and people around the world - to fight this decision on behalf of human pride and equal rights for all "

Madonna has also invited fans to support her in this initiative:

Dear friends,

Steve Monjeza Tiwonge Chimbalanga and will spend 14 years in prison, sentenced to hard labor.

They are not murderers. They did not steal anything. In fact, they have not committed any crime.

They were charged with homosexuality.

Please, let's fight for freedom of love
With love,
Madonna Kiss

www.raisingmalawi.org / FreedomToLove  


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