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Hey Everybody!!



Ooh i am finally back!!!i really had a wonderful time,but i missed you so much!!

Prague is magical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so is Karlovy Vary and Dresden!!!amazing places!!!!i looooved them!!!!!!i'll upload some photos later...

but our wonderful hotel only had one pc,and it was always occupied!!!FrownFrown

But i didn't mind this so much,cause our guide told me that Madonna's dancers stayed at this hotel for S&S!!!!!!!!!amazing????!!!!!!!!!it was called:Hotel Century!!

she also showed me the hotel M stayed in last year or older,:Four Seasons!!and she told me where she  had her show held and in which hotel she stayed this year!!!!!i also heard so many songs of her in the country!

Deeper and deeper,American Pie,Miles away,Me against the music,Celebration and some others!and most of them in shops!!

anyway i can't wait for the celebration video !!!!!!!the teaser was fabulous!!!!

ooh i really loved everything but i am so glad i'm back again...i missed you guys!!Wink

lots and lots of kisses and,see youu soon!!Wink


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