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Going to miss you all!



Well i am living for Prague tonight for 4 days and i will miss you all!!!Frown
i wish i would have gone there at the right time..CryCry Now i can't wait for the next tour!!

Well i wish our 4 star hotel will have internet access so that  i'll be able to login here and read all M's updates,and of course speak to you my friends!!!!

Hope to see you soon!!!!!!!!

oh and i wanted to say that you are all very very important to me...!!Love you with all my heart!!i really owe it to M..Meeting so good people because of her...!!she's amazing!!!

anyway i know i sound like i am going to be away for months lol!!Smile

so..Bye for now!!

lots and lots of kisses!!!!!!!!Kiss♥♥♥♥


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