To Madonna.
Dear Madonna,
I know that You read such letters and recognitions from Your fans. But I using the chance I wish to tell You about my story ...I have heard about You for the first time in my life,it was in far 90 - I knew only pair of phrases on english , I understood and felt that You sing about something positive. Time has passed ...
Now I live in the USA... And when I have learnt about Your site and at the same time You had planned Your Tour "Sticky & Sweet"2008 .
My dream was to visit Your concert and to see You in reality and My dream has come true! !!!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!!
My hobby a photography, and I hope to see You in person ,I know it one chance from thousand millions, I would like take a picture of You, and have presented to You these photos...
God Bless You and Your family !
I wish you success in Your Art !
Love, Anastasiya.
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