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why I love M so much



Why I love Madonna so much!
Hey there my friends!

This is the very first blog entry.... blush.gif

people sometimes thinks i'm crazy about Madonna... ok, maybe I am, but I don't care... let's me explain my devotion for her.

When I was 6 years old, my cousin who was 14, made me listen to M's song 'Like a virgin' and although I didn't understand English, something about the song caught my attention: the rythm, her voice, everything... then after a while i saw the video.. and i went crazy!!!... and then I started seeing more of her videos on tv, and i tried to imitate her moves...

But there was something: my dad, who still doesn't like anything about her, thought that I was too little to watch those things and listen to her music numb.gif... so he didn't want me to have anything about her... but as M did, I broke the rules!!! everytime I found a pic on a magazine or neewspaper, I would take it and save it in a 'secret box I had'...

the time went by, and the more I grew up, the more I liked her anxious.gif... and when it finally the time came, I could save money and I bought 'Ray of light' (I loved it too)... and from that moment on, my dad couldn't tell me what to do anymore.

maybe you see my dad as 'the bad guy', but he's actually very considered... when M came to Argentina for the S&S Tour, my dad was the one who bought the tickets for me, as my Bday present... I was so happy to see her very 1st show in Argentina (4th december 2008)... It was by far the best day of my life...

I hope some people can understand me now... I love you
I hope you like my life's story...
Cya next time!!!


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