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Madonna, Younger Men and Her Brother Christopher

Recently Madonna’s brother Christopher claimed, “if she continues to date all these much younger guys, it could start to look creepy.” One immediately wonders what could possibly look “creepy” about one of the world’s most attractive women dating attractive men. As a physically fit celebrity, Madonna is much “younger” than her numeric age.   Christopher goes on to say, “She certainly isn't following societal values, but then again my sister never has and probably never will either.” Here agai



Katy Perry Critiques Madonna for Singing on a Christian Cross

Recently in an interview with Britain’s the Sun, Katy Perry accused Madonna of “playing that card,” (the religious card) for getting up on a cross and singing.   In all honesty I think Katy is playing a card of her own, the argumentative criticism card, designed to draw attention to herself. In Luke 6:42 Jesus famously said, “Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! Fi



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