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Horsey blog revisited.

Yes.  I am commenting on my own blog.  After reading it, I realize I am doing what I criticize others for.  One truth about  living in this world is that we all project our anger, guilt and fear out into the world or more to the point, onto others (yes even animals) with whom we share this world.  We are all brothers in this regard because we ALL do it.  So what if M has some left-over "stuff" and her projections landed on some crashing horses?  Who am I to judge this?  Expecting our "hero



"Confessions" of a bad horsey?

Creatively, the whole equine theme of this show is novel and it works.  However, I've always wondered about all the "horse crashes" on the screens during "Like a Virgin".  Its like  "Equis meets NASCAR".   Its almost like Madonna was still pissed at the polo horse who caused her to break her collar bone, scapula, ribs, and knuckle?  A disturbing thought any way you slice it.  Does anyone know the thinking behind this?



Chatting with Jesus

I was watching our girl's "Confessions" DVD and when "Live to Tell" came up I got this really goofy scenario playing in my head.  Its a little snippet of conversation between Madonna and  Jesus.   Here it goes...   Madonna:  "Tell me the truth.  Does this cross make my ass look big?" Jesus (laughing):  "This is so weird.  I asked the exact same thing when I was up there." They both giggle and he hugs her. ***   Sometimes I am so filled with love I can barely contain it in a body. Hob



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