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CAZWELL~Ice Cream Truck




Vote: Five Most Iconic Musicians

Vote: Five Most Iconic Musicians CNN's new arts and culture show 'icon,' in conjunction with music magazine 'Songlines,' has shortlisted 20 globally renowned musicians from the past 50 years. Vote for your favorite artists and we'll reveal the top five in 'icon's' interactive gallery at cnn.com/icon when our music show airs on August 25. To vote for Madonna visit edition.cnn.com/icon.music.vote Thanks to ljh With Madonna's birthday just right around the corner, let's give her a birthday gift



More Than 70 Countries Make Being Gay a Crime

The Independant: “More Than 70 Countries Make Being Gay a Crime” The following excerpts from a story by The Independent: “A comprehensive study of global lesbian, bisexual and gay rights, seen by The Independent on Sunday, reveals the brutal – and, in many instances, fatal – price people pay around the globe for their sexuality. The research, which was conducted by the charity network the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), shows that 76 countries still



Argentina Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Posted on Advocate.com July 15, 2010 Argentina Passes Gay Marriage Bill By Advocate.com Editors In a debate that lasted well into the early hours of Thursday morning, Argentina's Senate voted 33-27 to make theirs the first country in South America to legalize same-sex marriage. Gay rights activists had predicted a close vote. According to reports, debate in Buenos Aires lasted until four in the morning. The subject of marriage has been a hot button issue in Argentina for the past several m



National HIV Testing Day~June 27

Take the Test, Take Control! National HIV Testing Day~June 27 Find an HIV/STD test site 24/7: www.hivtest.org or text your zip code to KNOWIT (566948) And to my fellow friends outside of the US, please refer to your local sites to be tested. Early HIV diagnosis is critical, so people who are infected can fully benefit from available life-saving treatments. Currently, almost 40 percent of people with HIV are not diagnosed until they already have developed AIDS. That can be up to 10 years afte



Gringo Mask

www.gringomask.com Thanks to your involvement, the GringoMask has achieved its primary objective to raise awareness of the potential for racial profiling by enforcement of Arizona SB 1070. GringoMask was not a commercial product or intended to be a long term project, but a piece of satire to promote discussion and thought. In addition to raising awareness, the mask was used to promote dialogue between people of different opinions in the hopes of arriving at better solutions than SB 1070, an



Malawi Pardons Jailed Gay Couple

Malawi pardons jailed gay couple Page last updated at 16:14 GMT, Saturday, 29 May 2010 17:14 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Aid donors had put pressure on the government to free the pair A gay couple jailed in Malawi after getting engaged have been pardoned by President Bingu wa Mutharika. Mr Mutharika, speaking as UN chief Ban Ki-moon visited his country, said he had ordered their immediate release. Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga were given 14-year jail terms e



Malawi: Judge Convicts Gay Couple

http://www.wegiveadamn.org/ Malawi: Judge convicts gay couple By RAPHAEL TENTHANI – 10 hours ago BLANTYRE, Malawi — A judge convicted a gay couple in Malawi Tuesday of unnatural acts and gross indecency after a trial that drew worldwide condemnation of this southern African country's colonial-era laws on homosexuality. Steven Monjeza, 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20, had been jailed since their arrest Dec. 27, the day they celebrated their engagement with a party that drew crowds of curious, j



Florida AIDS Walk~March 28

"AIDS is a powerful and mysterious disease that continues to elude us. But we are more powerful becuase we can stop it from spreading by educating ourselves and finding out the facts." M 1987 Hello friends and family, How many of you remember the above quote from Madonna back in 1987? This has such a profound effect in me that it's inspired me to jump at the opportunity to make a change. I'm very excited to be participating on my very first fund raising event at the Florida Aids Walk on March



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