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I was 10 years old when Madonna's first album came out and my "girlfriend" and I would dance in her parent's living room day after day knowing this woman was THE SHIT. Truth or Dare was released the year I turned 18, came out and through that documentary film, it was my first exposure to seeing love/eroticism/affection between men. I also have to mention that the first person to accept me was my brother who was only 13 at the time and proved to be more of a mature, compassionate human being than most adults in my life at the time.

In January 2004, we lost our mother to ovarian cancer. Our worlds were instantly crushed forever yet what came of that experience was the strengthening of my bond with my brother and in our times of tragedy (we've both had our share) we ALWAYS knew we could count on each other for support. In July of 2004, I was gifted 2 tickets to Madonna's Re-Invention tour, I immediately called my brother (who's favorite band is Metallica, just to put things in perspective) and asked if he wanted to come to the show with me. Without hesitation he was on the next subway to meet me. Seeing Madonna live for the first time was truly a magical experience. Not only did we really need this amazing experience after months of grieving, the show itself was MAGICAL. It was also the first time Madonna played to a Toronto audience since our stupid city had made an embarrassment of itself when they tried to threaten to shut down her Blonde Ambition Tour because of it's "graphic content".

It was the first time I saw my brother bust a move and it was incredible to see every single person in the stadium up out of their seats dancing, screaming and LOVING the entire experience. I started teaching myself basic production skills in 2009 so when Rebel Heart was released, before it was even a single, Ghosttown spoke to me and my relationship with my brother so it may not be the best produced remix, but it was done with a lot of heart and soul. I also had to use the original track and filter out sounds to get the levels right etc so it was truly a challenge. Soundcloud shut down my account because of this remix due to "copyright infringement" even though I've never collected a cent on this remix, nor would I ever dare to try. So, I'm happy to see it's still alive on youtube. Thank you Madonna if you're listening. We love you SO MUCH for a variety of reasons and this remix is the best way I could show you how xox




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