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  1. Hello.My name is Vlad . I'm fashion designer and drag performer. I met Guy Oseary at Madonna's concert in Montreal and he liked my outfit . I made couple of "Rebelheart" outfits special for attending Madonna's show but wore only one of them both nights. Show was so amazing! I got so inspired by the concert that got an idea to make avant garde fashion collection of 12 pieces all inspired by Madonna's images and Rebelheart album cover. I was thinking to present this collection at Atlantic Fashion Week in Halifax on november 21. Collection would not be commercial,not for sale,i just enjoy to do this for a nice show. Before to start to work on collection i would like to ask your permission to use Madonna's images from Rebelheart album in my collection.I have trouble with posting pictures here. Posted few images at the members gallery . PS I LOVE YOU MADONNA
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