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Everything posted by reinvented9

  1. Ciao conterraneo! Pronto per M.D.N.A.? non vedo l'ora!!!

  2. guarda chi c'è!!!!!!! Da troppo tempo non ci sentiamo (per colpa mia...io cacca...ma ti spiegherò quando ci vedremo) ...come stai??? Spero tutto bene...un bacione :)

  3. M.D.N.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. just look at her bon bon....puah!!!
  5. I can't understand... Why do my pictures have been rejected? Whithout any reason, 2 wonderful pictures of M and a cat... Who is responsible for denying (is there anything to allow???) an "authorisation"??? That's unbelievable -.-
  6. Does anyone know what brand are the dancers' glasses? They're so cool!!!
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