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Status Updates posted by anamatronic

  1. Hey, Rach, great to be connected here too. Have a great weekend, : ) xx

  2. Hello Frida, thanks so much for the sweet message on my wall.

    Hope you are having a wonderful week, hun. Much love, xoxo Ana

  3. Thank you so much for the video you left on my page. It's really beautiful. Sorry, I didn't see it until today. Hope you are having a fantastic week. Much love, xoxo

  4. Hello Magnetic. Thanks for your message on my wall.

    Sorry I didn´t see it until now. I don´t log on to Icon much lately.

    Take care, xoxox

  5. Gimme all your love, ... and gimme your luuuuuuve! : ) Mwah angel. xxx

  6. Hello sweetz. Came to your page to say hello, show you some love and say thanks for the message on my wall. I haven't been on Icon for ages, and logged in today to see if there was any comments on the forum about GMAYL. Exciting times! ; ) Lotsa de love, xxx

  7. Hello sexy! Thanks for your message on your page. I'm good. Just not a lot of time to be on Icon lately. I hope you have a wonderful time on your holidays. xoxoxo Ana.

  8. Hello Brian! Thanks for your message. I've just added "who I think is you" on Facebook. I was going to send a message to let you know it was me, but you don't have that option available, so if you add Iconers, add me, please. : ) Thanks, xx

  9. Hey Juaney, great to be friends, 5 stars for you too! : ) xx

  10. Hello, I'm adding you as a friend. Hope you don't mind. : ) xoxo oh and 5 stars for you.

  11. Hola Sara. Te envié la encuesta de Madonna. Por favor coméntame si te llega. Besos.

  12. Hello Nina, I´ve added you as a friend, and gave your profile 5 stars too. I love meeting Madonna friends here on Icon. Hope you´re having a great week, xx

  13. Hello, didn't know your name was Tony. Must try and remember, as calling you "hardvogue" sounds strange. Have a great week sweetie, xoxox

  14. Just realised you asked me a question on my wall. I work, and I live in different countries. : ) xx

  15. Hey sweetie, I'm good thanks, just too busy to be on Icon a lot.

    Hope you are well too, much love, xoxox

  16. Hello Pearl. We used to be friends in the old format of ICON. Would love to have you back as a friend, please? Thanks. xx

  17. Muchas gracias por las 5 estrellas Gabe. Feliz cumpleaños!!!

    Me podrías decir si en mi perfil ves la fecha de mi cumpleaños, por cierto? Es que no la quiero tener pública, pero la sigo viendo. Igual sólo la puedo ver yo, por eso si puedes coméntame si la ves o no. Muchas gracias y sé muy feliz. Besos! xoxo love and light.

  18. Me encanta tu foto por cierto. : ) : ) : ) xoxo

  19. Hooooola Gabe! Qué tal? Me alegro mucho de verte en Icon otra vez. Yo aún no sé muy bien como funciona todo tampoco. Tengo que renovar mi membership, me caduca pronto. Muchos besos, feliz fin de semana y 5 estrellas para ti. xoxo

  20. Hi Frida. I'm Spanish, but a citizen of the world, as I don't live in Spain on a permanent basis anymore. How about you? : ) xoxo

  21. Hello sweetness, I hope you have a fantastic week. Thanks for your weekend message. Just saw it today, xoxo

  22. Hello, how are you sweetie? Have a great week! : ) xx

  23. Hello, nice to meet you Friday, I´m good, thanks. Hope you are too, xx

  24. Ooops, si quieres que tu verdadero nombre permanezca en el anonimato, puedes borrar estos mensajes míos. Bss

  25. Hola Chris. Espero haber acertado y que seas tu. : )

    Me alegra tenerte como amigo en Icon también. 5 estrellas para ti. Besos.

    Ana. xx

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