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Feel her love



Feel her love


Get into its light,

Sway into her embrace, 

Feel her love


Let's Light up the moon,

Let's light up the moon,

With our love, with our love


Get into its loving, Warm light,

All your worries, out of sight,

Let Our love, light up the moon, tonight

Let Our love, light up the moon, tonight

Let Our love, light up the moon, tonight


Get into its light,

Sway into her loving embrace,

Feel her love, and feel her love,

Feel it's love,

Let Our love, light up the moon, tonight,

Let Our love, light up the moon, tonight


Let's light up the moon,

Let's light up the moon,

With melody and love,

With melody and sweet love 

With melody and our sweet love,

With melody and sweet love


Get into its light,

Sway into her warm embrace,

Feel her love, and Feel her sweet love,

Feel her love

Reynaldo Casison


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