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My idol Madonna



You know since I was in 1st grade I was drawn to Madoanna. Right after seeing her perform on the first ever 1984 MTV Awards, I wrapped myself in my white bed sheet and danced around my room. I still remember my mom opening the door asking what I was doing and I said "I'm Madonna. Maybe it was because that story was told over and over again.
With all the craziness in my life Madonna's music was the one thing I would could always count on and also relate too. I GREW UP WITH MADONNA!!!
Recently while my aunt was searching on Ancestry.com she informed me that it seems both my family and Madonna's family came to the US around the same time. Apparently both of our roots go back to Abruzzi, Italy. I always felt this connection and if that is true, Madonna's grandparents and my great grandparents traveling from Abruzzi, Italy to the USA, WOW!!!
Recently I attended 2 RebelHeart shows, one in Philly and the other in AC,NJ. AC was definitely a night I will never forget. Sure I had a sign showing that I wanted to be the un-apologetic ***CENSORED*** and to spank me because it was birthday which didn't happen, but hey I had to try. Props to the person who did get that opportunity, what an amazing experience that must have been. I did; however, not leave empty handed. Oh no, right after Madonna finished signing Burning Up, she tossed me her guitar pick. Something I will never forget. For over 15 years, since I could start paying for my own concert tickets and not rely on family, I have been trying to get noticed. You have know idea how I felt just knowing "The Queen" saw me.
To whomever my read this, I hope to one day me able to say that I finally met "The Queen. She has always been and to this day is still my idol. I may have only been in 1st grade but I can say she has been my idol my whole life.
I would love to be able to be the un-apologetic ***CENSORED*** at one of the RebelHeart shows or just hopefully have an opportunity to meet the one solid person who has always been there for me in my life. Thank you Madonna!!


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