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ittyD's Blog

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Dear Madonna,
My name is Lisa Dobrzynski, I am a student at the Art Institute of Las Vegas, studying Media Arts and Animation. Currently enrolled in Team Production, we are making an animated short film. In short, it’s about a man who is on the quest for the perfect pair of pants. He acquires a pair of pants that allows him to travel through time based on what dance he performs. We have selected songs that coincide with different eras. We have selected 'Like a Virgin" as a representation of the 80s era. I am sending this blog, in hopes to get approval by you to use "Like a Virgin' in our short film. Our animated short is a non-profit film, however, we have high hopes of sending it into film festivals, if all goes well. It would mean a great deal to myself and classmates, if we got your approval to use roughly 10-20 seconds of said song.
To conclude, I would like to thank you for your time, regardless of approval. Good music should always be appreciated. Please feel free to Contact me at lisadobrzynski@stu.aii.edu
Peace, love, and good vibrations.
Lisa Dobrzynski


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