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Cheers to a great year ! Final stats from 2010 are here ! 2,531,702 (two point five million) people tuned in to Madonna Radio (dot com) during 2010, world wide. Argentina tuned in the most with 3 consecutive months of majority listening.



Argentina tuned in to www.MadonnaRadio.com the most, for 3 consecutive months


Top countries tuning in during 2010;

January and February 2010, Canada tuned in the most.

The United States tuned in the most during March and April 2010.

In May and June France held the majority of listeners.

July and August had a return of the United States tuning in the most.

Estonia tuned in more than any country during September 2010 (also known as “Leaky Month”)

Argentina held the top listening spots for 3 consecutive months, in October (270,247 world-wide), November (248,471 world-wide) and December 2010 (235,243 world-wide.) !

2010 was an amazing year of interaction. www.Facebook.com/MadonnaRadio was a focus from the beginning of 2010 (and continues today), the number of fellow fans jumped from over four thousand to just over six thousand people.  www.Twitter.com/MadonnaRadio remained below a thousand during 2010.

www.Soundcloud.com/MadonnaRadio was a fun venture during 2010 (and is still great fun), 102,403 listeners tuned in to Soundcloud.com/MadonnaRadio with the most listeners tuning in from the United States and Turkey.

Madonna Web Radio was an interesting twist, the Soundcloud songs are funneled through madonnawebradio.blogspot.com first then automatically distributed to Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.

iLike was a focus as we launched an App in the iTunes App store, The App from iLike was experimental (the most questions asked were: “How do I download?”), tens of thousands installed the free app. Ultimately, the iLike App was interesting. The songs are located at www.madonnaremixes.com.

We watched a major transformation on the Eve of 2011, AbsolumentMadonna.fr transformed into www.MadonnaRama.com.

We entered into a partnership agreement with Madonna Rama.

Madonna was somewhat active during 2010, mostly quiet. The most fun was Dolce & Gabbana and Madonna challenged us with a “No-Gossip” campaign when she appeared via satellite on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Madonna entered the fitness industry on a Global scale, opening her first “Hard Candy Fitness Center” in Mexico City, Mexico in November 2010 (We’ll see a second opening in Moscow during March 2011).

Finally, Madonna sent out a message to us about new music ! Here’s what she wrote:

Special Statement From Madonna

“Its official! I need to move. I need to sweat. I need to make new music! Music I can dance to. I’m on the look out for the maddest, sickest, most bad ass people to collaborate with. I’m just saying……” – Madonna


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