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Everyone love beauty,this is the nature of human.especially the women.They like to buy many clothes and shoes.The clothes is one of the most important part of women,but the shoes is also.One good shoes will express your personality,also can increase your charm.Chirstian louboutin shoes now on sale at lowest,if you want,come to my christian louboutin outlet mall.
Women far and wide have a weakness for Louboutin shoes. So what does the designer himself have a weakness for? Books and colorful ties, that he doesn't wear. Hmmm ... I know a few shoe fanatics with a similar problem. In an interview with Financial Times' How to Spend It magazine, Christian Louboutin said:
"If I go shopping, it might be to buy two or three more ties, which I never wear, or shirts from Charvet on Place Vendome. Here they have the most magnificent coloured ties: it's like looking at a lovely garden. I have tons of them at home and I am perfectly happy not to wear them."
You know Christian Louboutin outlet shoes when you see the red soles, and you know they're worn by some of the world's most famous women. But how much do you know about the creator of the sexy footwear? Learn more about the designer and his shoes with these Christian Louboutin fast facts.
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