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Lady Gaga: END DADT!



Lady Gaga Calls For 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal (VIDEO)

First Posted: 11-30-10 03:18 PM   |   Updated: 11-30-10 03:41 PM

Lady Gaga is campaigning once again for the repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell.' The pop star released a new YouTube video calling on Congress to undo the controversial law that bans openly gay Americans from serving in the armed forces.

The pop star, who earlier called for the law's repeal in a September speech, cited a recent slew of gay teenage suicides and called on Congress to set a better example for American youth.

"Kids are being led to believe that it's OK to hate and condemn based on our differences," she said, "and this recent horrific news of gay suicides is really proof of our social repression and ultimately government repression that is killing our youth. We have to end this law because it reinforces discrimination and it's setting a bad example."

A number of celebrities have spoken out support in light of the recent tragedies, including Ellen Degeneres and Ricky Martin. A study released by the Pentagon on Tuesday announced that 70% of active military members believe that overturning the law would have a positive, mixed or no effect at all; the study's co-authors then announced their support for repealing the law.


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