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Events: Madonna & Me US Premiere



The Edge Theatre Company, based in Rock Hill, SC will produce the US Premiere of Madonna & Me by Tommy Kearney.
The London smash hit will make its trek across the Atlantic Ocean this spring, Thursday 07 to Sunday 10 April 2011. Directed by The Edge Theatre Company's Artistic Director, Jimmy Chrismon the show promises to be as fresh and exciting as the Queen of Pop herself!

Madonna & Me is a coming of age tale about the power of Madonna and 'a group of friends who grow up together on a council estate in Whiston and share life’s triumphs and disasters as a solid unit; always there for each other and always offering advice and a willing shoulder to cry on. They are one. They are a team. Until, that is, adulthood offers temptations and trials beyond their collective resistance and things begin to implode.' - Chris High.


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