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Hard Candy Fitness News & Rumours




Some new rumours concerning the opening of the Hard Candy Fitness center in Mexico City…

Madonna is apparently attending a dance class with about 30 members of the Hard Candy Fitness, selected by her dancers, in Mexico City. Afterwards, they can attend the after-party with Paul Oakenfold.

Guadalupe Terrats, the director of the press agency organizing the opening of the Hard Candy Fitness center in Mexico City, apparently announced that three days before the opening (starting on November 26), Madonna’s team of dancers would be in Mexico to choose and announce the winners of the contest.
The price is a dance lesson, which Madonna will also be attending.
Currently, the number of winners is set at 30, but this may be increased up to 50, if Madonna decides to invite some more people.

Apparently Paul Oakenfold will also be at the party and will be responsible for the music.

The next city that will have it’s own Hard Candy Fitness center is Tel Aviv, as has been published in Israeli newspaper Yediot Ah’aronot. Keep in mind that nothing has been confirmed yet…

Have a look at the official flyer that invites people to sign up and get a chance to win a dance lesson with Madonna…


Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2010/11/20/hard-candy-fitness-news-rumours/#ixzz15rZBeV00


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