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Madonna letter reveals movie misery



Madonna letter reveals movie misery

A letter written by Madonna while filming hit baseball movie A League Of Their Own has emerged online, detailing her misery as she was forced to go without "make-up" and live in a city without any attractive men for company. Skip related content

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Madonna starred alongside Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Tom Hanks and Rosie O'Donnell in the 1992 film, which followed the story of a women's baseball team.

The pop superstar has previously admitted she didn't enjoy making the movie, but her true feelings about the project have now been revealed in a scathing 1991 letter to her friend, photographer Steven Meisel.

Madonna rants about having to film outside, because the sunshine gave her an unwanted tan, and insists she was "dirty all day" and unable to wear make-up.

She writes, "I cannot suffer any more than I have in the past month, learning how to play baseball with a bunch of girls (yuk) in Chicago (double yuk). I have a tan, I am dirty all day and I hardly ever wear make-up."

The singer also complains about the set's location in Chicago, Illinois and bemoans the lack of attractive men, adding, "When God decided where all the beautiful men were going to live in the world, he did not choose Chicago."

Madonna also slams director Penny Marshall and brands her co-star Davis a "Barbie doll", adding, "I hate actresses".



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