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Mission to Malawi



Malawi 2

EDIT: The links don't seem to be working right, you might need to copy and paste them to another browser window

Hey, everyone! Since Madonna is so active with humanitarian efforts in Malawi, I thought I'd share mine! I'm going with a group called Good Samaritan to Malawi in November to take part in what they've been doing there for the last 8 years or so. We are going for several weeks to help complete some buildings, install an internet cafe/computer training school, start a few more micro businesses, and plan for future trips. 

One of the great things we're starting is a program called My Backyard. It's a program aimed at young girls to help change their lives, and empower them, similar to what's going on with The Girl Effect (http://www.girleffect.org/video). Click here to download a PDF to see what this program is all about (http://www.mybackyardmalawi.com/IMAGES/MyBackyard_Program_Summary_09_22_10.pdf).

We're also helping develop local villages using micro-business loans. Trustworthy individuals are loans small amounts of money to start chicken, pig, or goat farming, and are taught how to raise them and develop a business. This empowers them by helping support their families, community, and by earning respect and business skills.

I'm going specifically to shoot video and bring back our experience, and when i'm done I will be posting a video showing what's happening in that part of the world. I have a blog started that i'd love for you to check out called The Travelled Road (http://www.thetravelledroad.com/).

I would love your help! I'm taking 2 weeks of time off of work (a week of that unpaid), and i'm lacking some of the funds i'll need to cover the cost of the trip, vaccinations, and a few extra pieces of equipment i'll need to actually document the experience.  I've been doing some fundraising, but if anyone is interested in helping out, that would be awesome! Your donation could be anything, every little bit helps. If you check out the blog at The Travelled Road (http://www.thetravelledroad.com/) there are links to donate directly to GSM, or to me through a convenient PayPal link. 

Thanks for sharing in our experience. If you ever get the chance to go out and do some humanitarian work, go do it. It will change your life!

Malawi 1

GSM  - Malawi (http://www.facebook.com/pages/GSM-Malawi-Africa/324404846822?ref=ts)

My Backyard Malawi (http://www.mybackyardmalawi.com/)

The Travelled Road (http://www.thetravelledroad.com/)



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