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Gaga's Escorts at VMAs



Lady Gaga's VMA Escorts All Victims of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy

September 12, 2010 11:03 PM EDT

When Lady Gaga walked the red carpet at the 2010 MTV VMA's tonight, her escorts served a purpose far beyond walking the singing sensation to her destination.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

According tinter.jpgo Popeater, Lady Gaga's escorts at tonight's VMA's were all "ex-servicemen who were all discharged or left the military as the result of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy."

"I'm here for a very, very important cause tonight," Lady Gaga said. "These are all my friends and they are with SLDN.org, which is an organization that was founded in 1993 under the reaction to the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policies. Their stories are very inspiring and there's so much we can do right now."

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was a policy activated under the presidency of Bill Clinton. It basically advised gays and lesbians to keep their sexuality quiet, and all would be well while they served in the military. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is one of several current administrators who are actively seeking to bring an end to the policy. President Obama is awaiting a decision from Congress.

No Person More Valuable Than Another

Lady Gaga flaunted her escorts, who were handsome ex-servicemen who dressed the part perfectly for tonight's MTV VMAs. It didn't seem as though the media had been given a heads up on Lady Gaga's current cause.

"No one person is more valuable than another person," she added, prior to concluding her stroll on the red carpet.

Lady Gaga is a bizarre woman, but she is undoubtedly very gifted. Regardless if one believes in the cause she is supporting or not, it is always refreshing to see entertainers use their fame in hopes of benefiting other people and causes.

Lady Gaga has been nominated 13 times for tonight's MTV Video Music Awards.

Did you see Lady Gaga and her escorts at tonight's VMAs?

 SOURCE: http://celebs.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978514069


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