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Fox family joins forces for Madonna



W.EMadonna has joined forces with one of Britain's most famous acting families for her new movie W.E. - she has persuaded James and Laurence Fox to play father and son on the big screen. 

The pop superstar will direct the upcoming film, which tells the story of Britain's King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne after falling in love with American divorcee Wallis Simpson. 

She has already signed up Abbie Cornish and James D'Arcy for the film, and now she has persuaded James Fox to play King George V, while Laurence Fox has been cast as his son Bertie, Edward's younger brother. 

Bizarrely James Fox's actor brother Edward Fox played King Edward VIII in 1978's Edward and Mrs. Simpson - a TV series based on the same historical story. 

From ContactMusic.


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