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Icon Gift Chat.....



I called the supervisor at Music Today/Fanfire/Live Nation Merchandise yesterday and he had not heard from anyone, he asked if I'd gotten an email from Music Today, and I told them no. I told him "That does not surprise me"....he was annoyed that he'd not even heard from them and he sent out another email and told them that situation was getting ridiculous.

He was really nice and I told him how Johann is and that the fan club is a joke. I told him I had been a long-time member and my experiences here (good and bad) and he said he didn't blame me for not rejoining after the gift fiasco.....he also didn't seem that impressed with Johann and the way he has been running this place. He said, "He does not work for us...." I said, "I know, sad isn't it?"

He told me to call back on Monday, and to look out for an email from Music Today..and I told him I wouldn't hold my breath for the email....

I thanked him for his help and for being so nice and understanding and trying to get me the litho and card. I told him it was nice to finally have someone to talk to since the fan club changed hands yet again....



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