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5 Years Ago Today....I Met Madonna!



I met Madonna moments before this picture was taken. It was the fund raiser for UNICEF and the launch of Madonna's childrens book "Lotsa De Casha"....all these characters from the book, including Lotsa was there....Madonna's dress was made especially for her and she looked just beautiful. It was a hot day too, and it was crowded.

I met Rosie O'Donnell, columnist Liz Smith and of course Madonna. Liz Rosenberg introduced us and Denise, one of Madonna's assistants was my chaperone. She no longer works for Madonna.

My article, "Kelly's Diary" is in Icon 45. It was an amazing day, full of emotion and excitement. Riding home on the train the next afternoon, my mom and I were in the dining car and we ended up getting drunk at dinner. I told the entire dining car about meeting Madonna and they all loved  my story. It was a good cherry on the topping of the whole experience.

I was really sad when I got home and had to get back to normal. I told Denise, before she hailed me a cab that I felt like Cinderella and my shoe had just fallen off when we were going out the door to the street. I hugged her and thanked her and started to cry again. She really was so sweet to me and I felt like I had known her my whole life.

Just wanted to share that, it wasn't in the article and I felt it was time to tell that part of the story.....hope you enjoyed it! (But not as much as I did!)


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