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Luca behind Bedtime Story Brits performance




MT: In 1994 you were chosen as one of the two platinum blond "twins" for the famous Bedtime Story performance at the Brit Awards. Speaking with Jamie King a while ago he told us that he was the one that suggested your name because he thought you would have been the perfect choice for that performance.
What do you remember of that episode? It may not be one of the most well known Madonna television appearances but it definetly had something special.

LT: It was indeed a very unique performance. I love the fact I could use Thai Chi movements and that we were dancing in slow motion. Madonna was so beautiful and it was another great experience for me. I learned a lot from her. There's always a great research in the things she does, to bring novelty on stage. Things are analyzed and there's always a great courage and that's contageous. You always feel like a pioneer when you're next to her... Invincible!


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