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Madonna Into Fashion Trends






Madonna has lived in the limelight for over a decade. She succeeded in adapting to her constantly changing environment and even succeeding in making her environment adapt to her.


Back in the 80's, Madonna first came out, clothed in leather and accessorized with bows, lace, fishnet stocking and religious effigies draped her neck. The virginal rebel was an instant hit, with platinum locks, a beauty mark and a vocal range what was not to like? Her fashion sense was a slew of edgy plus girly an effective eye catcher.


Madonna was like the seasons, her music and changed to fit her lifestyle more than needing to fit into other people's lifestyles.

She was a hit because she brought fashion onto the stage, she created different looks that was copied again and again. Perhaps her cone shaped bra wasn't street vogue but every performer had without a doubt copied the dominatrix fashion. 


Her island look in La Isla Bonita has graced dozens of magazine fashion spreads. Material Girl was not only top of the music list but was additional advertising for jewelers like Tiffany & Co.

 During her portrayal in the movie Argentina, she was dressed in tailored dark suits favored by Evita Peron. The wardrobe gave way to many hit songs that spawned from the lifestyle that was Evita and Argentina. 


In the 1990's when most of the music was centered towards rock and grunge groups, Madonna still permeated the airwaves and the fashion world. Designers here and there clamored to have the honor of dressing her up during the Awards Nights and various functions that would definitely keep her in the spotlight for more than your average 15 minutes of fame. 



Her mere existence has brought about many young stars who have in a lot of ways mimicked and idolized her. Britney, Christina, Linsay, Ashley, even males like Justin and Kanye find Madonna to be an inspiration because of her chameleon ways.



In the late 90's Madonna did not only change husbands but her fashion choices as well as her religious beliefs took a turn as well. Marrying British director Madonna also decided to join Kabalah which mainly holds Buddhist beliefs.


Most would say that the person that is Madonna is timeless; her ability to change has kept her still within the limelight.


She has tried her hand in music, movie production, fitness, child rearing and even book author. Her books The English Roses have sold millions of copies world wide and so have her other stories. 


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