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Lssn 2



Lesson 2.
Love Guide!
Are you ready?

13 is happy number

who know maybe one day 13 year after

continue cooperation from where we stop.

we can continue to talk and sing and consult

about it and have some fun.

16 august will come soon but I'm so impatient,

and can not wait for that day to congratulate your birthday

tell me what You think, tell me can we be a friends.

do You forget me.

T H A N K   Y O U for spanish lesons

Muchas gracias, yo no sé cómo darle las gracias. Iluminación mí.

mis amigos

I hope this blog will not end as the monologue.


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I hope that the wider population of its listeners convey their experiences.

While most know love through advice can always learn something new.

And your songs are inspired by the message and hope that the next album will be just that.

Message would love, love and love again.

I hope you'll teach us through your songs and some new songs that will get a new dimension.

I'll leave you hints and instruction and leave the rest to you because I am convinced that your freedom to edit the text to enable the creation of better songs.

I'm sorry you're so long awaited, but there probably is a reason.


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live love shows and sometimes it works and mentions the word.

Love does not ask for the language or age limits.

Love has no shelf life and is not bound by the conditions.

If you love love from the heart and deep soul.

Do not give up do not let break your love, believe in love.

God is our Creator deserves to be in the first place.

After God is a place of your loved one.

All you're doing do it with love.

Love is almost everything you need.


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How recognize love


Love is gentle and mild invaluable and enduring.

the most beautiful when she reciprocated and supplemented.

When to you nothing is hard and help people with no obligation likely you are in love.


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Yours sincerely


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