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Mercy's Dad Wants Her Back.....



Mercy’s dad is in Durban - wants Madonna to give her back
By Bang Showbiz
Thu 08 Apr. 2010, 14:20 CAT 
The natural father of Madonna’s adopted daughter says he hasn’t given up hope of regaining custody of his daughter.

James Kambewa – who opposed the singer’s adoption of 5-year-old Mercy James from Malawi last year – is now working as a security guard in Durban, South Africa, in a bid to raise money to visit the tot – and eventually launch a legal battle to get her back.

James said: “Now I am in South Africa I can earn far more. I hope to use the money to help me be a proper dad to my Mercy.

“I could save up to fly to London to visit Mercy, if her new mother would allow me to. I know planes cost a lot of money but I am desperate to see my girl.

“Perhaps one day I can employ a lawyer who will take this to court. I’d like to challenge Madonna’s right to have my baby. I’m still her father.”

Madonna is currently in Malawi setting up her school for girls and had hoped to reunite Mercy and her adopted 4-year-old son David – who also hails from the African nation – with their natural families.

It had been claimed that James had missed out on the reconciliation because he had fled the country amid allegations he was set to face underage sex charges after it emerged Mercy’s mother – who died shortly after giving birth – was just 14 when she fell pregnant.

However, 25-year-old James – who borrowed the fare to make the seven-day bus trip to South Africa last summer - insists the allegations are untrue and he just wants to make a better life for his family, though he is devastated at missing the chance to see his daughter.

He added to the Daily Mirror newspaper: “It is so hard for me not to be in Malawi when my daughter is there but I needed to leave my home country to start a better life.

“I know she is now living a life of wealth but she is my child. It is nonsense to say I left Malawi because I was in trouble. It was to make a better life.”


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